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    8 Mbps
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    0 Mbps
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    0 Mbps

What can you do with YOUR Internet Speed?

20+ Mbps
10-20 Mbps
6-10 Mbps
4-6 Mbps
2-4 Mbps

Basic Email Web Surfing

Video Not Recommended

Good Web Surfing Experience

Low Quality Video Streaming (720p)

Excellent Web Surfing

High Quality Video Streaming (1080p)

High Quality Video Streaming

High Speed Downloads / Business-Grade Speed

Multiple High Bandwidth Applications

High Quality Video Conferencing

Actual bandwidth needs may be higher depending upon number of users and whether you are using shared or dedicated Internet access.
For businesses interested in VoIP or to use bandwidth for critical applications, we recommend you check internet speed and assess the
overall quality of your bandwidth connection using Speed Test Plus.

Smart Test Method

In order to guarantee that your Internet connection is tested thoroughly, SpeedOf. Me tests your bandwidth in several passes. Sample file sizes increase gradually until it takes longer than eight seconds to download the sample file. As a result, SpeedOf. Me unlike other speed tests, is able to measure connection speeds in a wide range. From a slow 10 Kbps Mobile GPRS to a very fast 100 Mbps cable user (or even higher) automatically.

Sample files are in these sizes: 128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 MB.

Bandwidth News & Articles

Tips for Effectively Managing Remote Workers

It’s likely that at least one of your teammates is working remotely today. Working from home and f

How Does The Internet Speed Test work?

Most speed tests reveal the client system’s upload and download speed. Some even reveal the latency.

How do You Speed Up Your Internet Connection?

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out ways to speed up your connection. All you need